Dean, Charles
Birth Date: 11 Mar. 1829
Death Date: 19 Sep. 1897
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Company: Homer Duncan Company (1861)
Pioneer Information:
with wife and 3 children; from England
Thomson, Mildred Hatch Thomson, Mildred Hatch, Rich Memories: Some of the Happenings in Rich County from 1863 to 1960 [1962], p. 305. Source Locations
Duncan, Homer, [Journal], in "Church Emigration Book." Read Trail Excerpt,15791,4018-1-24898,00.html
Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel, 1847–1868
Source of Trail Excerpt:
Duncan, Homer, [Journal], in "Church Emigration Book."
Read Trail Excerpt:
On the 23rd June his health being restored he [Homer Duncan] was appointed by Elders Jacob Gates[,] Claudius Spencer and Milo Andrus Captain of the Fourth Company (letter D) of Saints crossing the Plains of which the following is a detailed account:
Fourth Company (letter D) organized:
Sunday June 23rd 1861:
Elder Homer Duncan, captain: Henry Talbot. chaplain: Thomas George Odell secretary; Henry Talbot jun Captain 1st ten; Daniel Miller captain 2nd ten; Benjamin P[earce] Evans, captain 3rd ten; Edwin Stratford captain 4th ten; Thomas Green captain 5th ten; Joseph Foster sarjeant of guard
June 24th company preparing
June 25th Rolled out at Eleven o clock and camped at Little Papill[i]on at four. Elders Gates and Andrus visited the camp in the evening. Camp called together when it was resolved that we sustain each other through to the Valley.
June 26th Rolled out at twelve and camped at ½ past four. Met a portion of the Church Team under charge of Captain Eldredge
June 27th Rolled out at ten and camped at four. Met some more Church Teams. In the evening a train under charge of Captain Snow camped alongside us A meeting was held; addresses by Br. Stodart Br. Biggler and Br. [Charles William] Penrose:
Br. Taylor's cow cart stampeded and upset
June 28th Rolled out at eight[.] road very heavy. Taylors cow cart came in early. Gillespies wagon in mud hole[.] got out by extra yokes—Camped at ½ past 3. Received a letter at Fremont for Brigham Young
June 29th Rolled out at nine. Some rain. camped at ½ past four at the North Bend
June 30th—Cow missing[.] delayed the rolling of the camp till half past ten:
Camped at five at Shell Creek. Some Pawnees camped close to us
July 1st Rolled out at 8. Four waggons belonging to Stodart left us and crossed the Platte[.] Camped at five
July 2nd Rolled out at seven[.] Crossed the Platte at Loup Fork. A young heifer the property of Br. H. Talbot jun. drowned[.] Camped at four
July 3rd Rolled out at ½ past 7[.] Camped at ½ past 1
July 4th Rolled out at 7. Camped at ½ past 3[.] Br [William Henry] Gampton and Br. Smith sick with fever[.] Sister [Caroline] Britton in getting from Br Luff's waggon fell and the forewheel passed over her body
July 5th Rolled out at seven[.] Camped at ½ past two at Parker's: Br. Gampton better Sister Britton very ill
July 6th Rolled out at six Camped at three at Shoemaker's. Sister Britton able to sit up in the waggon
July 7th Rolled out at six[.] camped at two. Sick much better. Meeting in the evening. Address by Br. Penrose. Several Emigrants returning from California present
July 8th Rolled out at six[.] Camped at three. Day very hot and cattle much fatigued
July 9th Stopped at Wood River Centre for repairs. Forwarded a letter to President Young with list of names of the Saints number of waggons, stock. etc. etc. Rolled at four in the afternoon[.] Camped at six
July 10th Rolled out at ½ past six camped at three. Two mule waggon and Eight ox waggons passed containing apostates bound for the States
July 11th Rolled out at seven. Heavy thunderstorm. Camped at three.
July 12th Rolled out at seven. Camped at three. The coupling pole of Br. Spencer's waggon broke. Br J. A Kelting's mules frightened ran off and strained the axle[.] Sister Britton and Br. Smith continue very ill
July 13th Rolled out at seven Camped at four. Br [Benjamin] Lang added to the List of Sick
July 14th Rolled out ½ past six Camped at ½ past three. Rain Storm. Baptized by Br. James Edg[e]hill in the Platte William Wanless aged 40 had formerly been in the Church in Missouri. Prayer by Elder Thomas George Odell. Confirmed by Elder Homer Duncan
July 15th Rolled out at seven[.] Camped at ¼ to four. Antelope shot.
July 16th Rolled out at seven[.] Camped at three. Some Sioux visited the camp
July 17th Sister [Mary O’Dell] Wanless fell from a waggon and injured herself (she being with child) which delayed the rolling till three. Camped at five
July 18th Rolled out at seven. Sister Wanless better. Br. Kelting's Waggon pole broke. Camped at six
July 19th Rolled out at 1/4 past seven: Camped at five.
July 20th Rolled out at seven. Camped at one[.] Heavy rain
July 21st Rolled out at nine. Storm at midday. Camped at six[.] The tongue bolt of Br. [Frederick] Dark[e]'s waggon broke
July 22nd Rolled out at ½ past six Camped at ½ past five. The pole of Br. Penrose's waggon broke
July 23rd Rolled out at ½ past six Heavy sandhill. All teams doubled camped at ½ past four
July 24th Rolled out at ¼ to six and camped at 10 o'clock at Ash Hollow in order to celebrate the Anniversary of the entrance of the Pioneers into the Valley. The day was spent in rejoicing singing music and dancing and various sports. The weather was fine and the amusements were continued till a late hour.
July 25th Rolled out at 7. Camped at ½ past 4
July 26th Rolled out at ½ past six. Camped at five. All in good health except Sister Britton
July 27th Rolled out at ½ past six Camped at twelve. Mary S. [Estella] Jenkins aged three years fell between the waggon cover and the hind wheel cutting her head and face
July 28th Rolled out at seven. Camped at eleven opposite Castle Rock. Meeting in the evening. Addresses by Br. Duncan. Br. Penrose and Br. David John
July 29th Rolled out at ½ past six. Heat excessive. Camped at one. An ox belonging to Br. Joseph [G.] Robinson died
July 30th rolled out at seven. Camped at seven opposite Chimney Rock. Storm.
July 31st Rolled out at ½ past six. Camped at six o'clock
August 1st Rolled out at seven. Br. Jones broke a wheel. Camped at twelve in order to repair. Br. Jones Br. Gates and Br. Spencer drove into camp. Br. Jones addressed the Saints in the evening. Antelope shot.
August 2nd Rolled out at seven. Camped at ½ past six. Br. Gates addressed the Saints in the evening
August 3rd Rolled out at seven. Br Jones Br. Gates and Br. Spencer left the camp. A cow belonging to Br. [George] Coombes gave out and was left behind. Heavy thunder storm. Camped at seven.
August 4th Rolled out at eight. Crossed the Platte at Fort Laramie. Camped at one
August 5th Rolled out at four p.m. Camped at ½ past seven. Repacked some of the wagons[.] Useless articles thrown away. Br [Samuel] Russell's horse waggon turned over in descending a hill[.] One bow and a chair broke
August 6th Rolled out at seven. Br. [Henry] Sharp's axle broke. Br. [Thomas] Cairns left at Center Station with Br. Andrus mule waggon. Camped at four
August 7th Rolled out at nine. Br. [John] Turner's coupling pole broke. Thunder storm. Camped at ½ past 7
August 8th Rolled out at eight. Crossed the Platte Camped at six.
August 9th Rolled out at ½ past seven. Camped at seven. Attempted to cross the Platte; found the water too high. Br. Talbots horse wagon crossed but the horses fell; were unhitched and the waggon drawn across by the brethren. Heavy rain.
August 10th Several of the cattle missing. Part of the camp rolled at 9. the remainder not till twelve. All the cattle found. Two teams stampeded but no accident. Camped at seven
August 11th Rolled out at eight. Storm of wind and rain. Camped at seven.
August 12th Rolled out at nine. Crossed the Platte. Reached Deer Creek at twelve and camped. Two yoke of oxen brought to camp to be passed forty miles on, with leave to work them.
August 13th Rolled out at twelve. Camped at ½ past. Br. [Samuel] Russell's spokes of his wheels gave way and had to be spliced before he could reach camp. Br. Kelting's mule waggon left the camp
August 14th Rolled out at nine. Crossed the Platte. Camped at six. Repaired Br [Samuel] Russell's wheels
August 15th Rolled out at seven. Camped at two. Br. [William] Hughe's cow died
August 16th Rolled out at ½ past seven[.] Camped at ½ past three. Cattle drove three miles to feed. Br. Talbot's daughter ill.
August 17th Rolled out at eight. Met a mule train from Springville going to Laramie. Br. [Joseph G.] Robinson's axle broke[.] Camped at two
August 18th Rolled out at eight. Br. [Frederick] Dark[e]'s axle broke camped at ½ past three[.] Meeting in the evening. Addresses by Br Duncan Br [Jonathan ] Heaton [Jr.] and Br [George Thomas] Luff
August 19th Br. Dark's axle repaired. Several oxen shod Rolled out at twelve[.] Camped at five. Br Dean's tyre came off
August 20th Rolled out at ten. Met a body of U.S. troops returning from Utah. Horse and foot, baggage, cows, guns, etc. Heavy rain all day. Camped at four[.] At nine o clock this morning Anne Jane John daughter of David and Mary John from South Wales died from inflammation of the bowels aged eight months five days.
August 21st The body of Anne Jane John was placed in a coffin and buried at the foot of a bluff between two projecting points about twenty miles east of the second crossing of the Sweetwater. A pile of stones was placed on the grave and a board with the following inscription at the head:
Anne Jane John, daughter of David and Mary John died August 20th 1861."
Number of the brethren and sisters followed the body to the grave. Br Penrose officiated. Camp rolled out at eight. Camped at ½ past five. Several oxen shod
August 22nd Camp rolled out at ½ past seven[.] Passed the three Crossings of the Sweetwater. Camped at six. Several oxen shod
August 23rd Rolled out at seven. Camped at four[.] An ox belonging to H[enry James]. Talbot jun. died
August 24th Rolled out at eight. Camped at five. Several oxen shod
August 25th Rolled out at eight Crossed the rocky ridges to Sublettes Offcut on the Sweetwater. Camped at two
August 26th Rolled out at ½ past seven[.] Camped at six. Two antelopes shot.
August 27th Rolled out at nine[.] Camped at two. Crossed the South Pass. Nine ox and 4 mule teams passed through the camp: they reported Br. [Milo] Andrus company to be about four travels behind.
August 28th Rolled out at ½ past six. Br. Andrus overtook us on a mule and accompanied the train to Dry Sandy where we left him. Camped at five at Little Sandy. Br Packerd's mule train camped alongside. Sister Gillespie delivered of a girl at ½ past ten p.m. The Captains of Tens met and passed a resolution to present Captain Duncan with a written testimonial and also a substantial present for his kind attention to the wants of the company during the journey.
August 29th Rolled out at ½ past nine[.] Camped at six. An ox belonging to Br. Jenkins died in yoke
August 30th Rolled out at nine[.] Camped at two. Several oxen shod. Br Andrus' train came up about nine p.m. and camped alongside at Big Sandy. Br Packerd's mule train left
August 31st Rolled out at eight. Camped at Green River at four. Br. [William] Gwynn's horses strayed and he was left behind. Br Andrus loaned him a span of mules and he caught up at night. Br. [Evan] Jenkins and Br. [Samuel] Russell brought the horses in; they had strayed to former camp.
September 1st Rolled out at eight[.] Camped at four at Black's Fork. Meeting in the evening Addresses by Br. [Homer] Duncan and Br. [Charles William] Penrose
September 2nd Rolled out at nine. Camped at ½ past three. Presented 31½ dollars to Br. Duncan the voluntary subscription of the camp.
September 3rd Rolled out at ½ past seven Camped at ½ past three. In forming corrall Br. Duncan fell over a saddle and sprained his arm. Captain [John R.] Murdoch's [Murdock's] train passed through the camp at nine p.m. Br Snow and Br Orson Pratt visited the camp at seven a.m. Br. [George] Coombes [Coombs] cow died on the road
September 4th Rolled out at eight Passed through Fort Bridger Camped at four Murdock's train camped alongside. Several oxen shod. Br. Duncan's arm better but compelled to carry it in a sling
September 5th Rolled out at nine[.] Br Morgan and three wagons stayed at Fort Bridger to recruit oxen[.] Br. Robert Gould's team gave out, his wagon was unloaded and his goods distributed over the camp. Br Coombes wagon had to be reduced in weight. Several oxen shod. Murdoch's train left us. Camped at two
September 6th Rolled out at nine[.] Camped at three at Big Muddy. Br. Martindale's train camped alongside
September 7th Rolled out at seven. Camped at four
September 8th Rolled out at seven. Camped at five in Echo Cañonon [Canyon.] Br. Horne's train camped alongside. Br. Duncan's son met us. Br. Morgan's waggons came up. he had left a steer at Fort Bridger and a steer died on the road. Br. [William] Coslett and wife stayed behind at a station. Br. Coombes cow stabbed in the hind leg with a knife
September 9th Rolled out at nine. Camped on the Weber at five. Br. [Thomas George] Odell's cow and Br. Jenkins [George] Coombes cow died. Two oxen belonging to Br. [Evan] Jenkins and Br. David John lost. A calf belonging to Br. Wiggle [Wiggill] lost.
September 10th Rolled out at eleven. Camped at three. Sister [Lucetta Stratford] Penrose delivered of a girl at nine a.m. Br. [Henry] Sharp, Br. [Edward] Stock and Br. Taylor left for Payson City with two waggons and a cow cart. Br. Penrose's waggon pole broke and he stopped at the mouth of Echo Cañon for repairs. Br. Samuel Russell left for Salt Lake City on horseback
September 11th Rolled out at nine. Camped at five. Br. [John] Turner and Br. [William] Bedinfield [Bedenfield] left to overtake Church train with two wagons; their intention being to settle at Cache Valley Br. [Frederick] Dark[e] and Br. [Charles William] Penrose overtook the camp. Br. [Thomas George] Odell's cow left behind
September 12th Crossed the Big Mountain in safety. Br Odell's cow brought in.
September 13th Crossed the Little Mountain and arrived on the Public Square Eighth Ward Great Salt Lake City about four o'clock[.] Testimonial presented to Br. Duncan expressive of the high regard this company entertain of his kindness to them throughout the journey.
Testimonial presented to Captain Homer Duncan by the Fourth Company on the Plains September 13th 1861.
Beloved Brother Duncan—
As the time has nearly arrived when this Company will separate, to be scattered through the various settlements of Zion we feel it a duty incumbent upon us to express in some manner the gratitude and respect we feel towards you for the unwearied labors and unexampled kindness exercised by you towards us.
During the whole of our journey across the great wilderness that separates our mountain home from the habitations of the gentiles you have acted as a man of God—a gentleman—and a brother. Watched over our interest with a father's care and treated both rich and poor with the same kindness and attention. Your counsels have been inspired by the spirit of wisdom and through obedience to them our journey has been a pleasure trip. Our cattle have not suffered for want of food and water and we have not been exposed to the chilly air of night through late camping. Peace has been with us and the spirit of Jesus Christ has brooded over us.
Accept therefore this simple testimonial which in an imperfect manner expresses the feelings of every soul in this Company and with it our warmest affection and good will, wishing every blessing to rest upon you that mortal beings can desire for each other we say, with great regret, farewell!
Signed in behalf of the Company
Joshua Taylor
Charles W. Penrose
Thomas G. Odell
Thomas George Odell
Names of the Company
Henry Talbot wife and 11 children, [from] Africa, 13 people
Goboac (caffre lad), Africa, 1 person
Henry J. Talbot wife and child, Africa, 3 people
Robert Wall (single), Africa, 1 person
Jonathan Steggle (single), Africa, 1 person
Ely Wiggil wife and 3 children, Africa, 5 people
George Ellis wife and 3 children, Africa, 5 people
Jeremiah Wiggil and wife, Africa, 5 people
Thomas Talbot wife and child, Africa, 3 people
Mary Ann Pitman (single), America, 1 person
Edward Stock wife and child, America, 3 people
Benjamin Lang wife and child, America, 3 people
George Coombes wife and 4 children, America, 6 people
Robert Gould wife and 2 children, America, 4 people
Elizabeth Simpson (single), America, 1 person
Edwin Stratford wife and 3 children, America, 5 people
Samuel Smith (single), America, 1 person
John Turner wife and child, America, 3 people
Elizabeth Kingsman (single), America, 1 person
1 William Bedinfield and wife, America, 2 people
Richard P Jones wife and 7 children, America, 9 people
Daniel Jones (single), America, 1 person
Thomas Jones and three children, America, 4 people
John B Jones wife and 5 children, America, 7 people
James Jones (single), America, 1 person
Thomas R Jones and wife, America, 2 people
Elizabeth Williams (single), America, 1 person
Elizabeth Williams, junior (single), America, 1 person
Emma Williams (single), America, 1 person
David Thomas (single), America, 1 person
John Lewis and child, America, 2 people
David Jones and wife, America, 2 people
Martha Walters (single), America, 1 person
Levi Huntsman (single), America, 1 person
Thomas Green (single), America, 1 person
John Merrick (single), America, 1 person
William Wanless wife and child, America, 3 people
Mary Russell (single), America, 1 person
Mary Russell Junior (single), America, 1 person
Ann Jane Russell (single), America, 1 person
Sarah E Russell (single), America, 1 person
Isabella M. Russell (single), America, 1 person
Samuel Russell (single), America, 1 person
Andrew Grey (single), America, 1 person
William Jamieson (single), America, 1 person
Francis Armstrong (single), America, 1 person
William Hart wife and 4 children, England, 6 people
Charles Dean wife and 3 children, England, 5 people
Stephen Foster and wife, England, 2 people
Joseph Foster and wife, England, 2 people
Stephen Foster (single), England, 1 person
William Gampton and wife, England, 2 people
Joseph Robinson and wife, England, 2 people
Robert Alexr. Hutchison (single), England, 1 person
Mary Lockwood (single), England, 1 person
Thomas G. Odell wife and 2 children, England, 4 people
Sarah Hastler (single), England, 1 person
Betsy Hastler junior (single), England, 1 person
Maria Hastler (single), England, 1 person
Elizabeth Wood (single), England, 1 person
Thomas Jessop (single), England, 1 person
Samuel Weston (single), England, 1 person
James Edghill (single), England, 1 person
Joshua Taylor wife and 3 children, England, 5 people
William Gwynn wife and child, England, 3 people
Thomas Cairns (single), England, 1 person
Frederick Dark wife and 5 children, England, 7 people
Joseph Taylor wife and 2 children, England, 4 people
James Taylor wife and 2 children, England, 4 people
Hannah Dixon (single), England, 1 person
Charles Britton and wife, England, 2 people
George Luff wife and child, England, 3 people
Harry Luff (single), England, 1 person
Mary Ann Luff (single), England, 1 person
Mary Smith (single), England, 1 person
Matilda Price (single), England, 1 person
Sarah J. Meredith (single), England, 1 person
Mary Waire (single), England, 1 person
Charles W. Penrose wife and 3 children, England, 5 people
Eliza Stratford (single), England, 1 person
Anne Stratford (single), England, 1 person
Emily Stratford (single), England, 1 person
Amos Cornwall (single), England, 1 person
Daniel Miller (single), Canada, 1 person
William Miller (single), Canada, 1 person
Alexander Gillespie wife & 4 children, Scotland, 6 people
Janet McNevan (single), Scotland, 1 person
James McNevan (single), Scotland, 1 person
Jessie McNevan (single), Scotland, 1 person
William Watson (single), Scotland, 1 person
Janet Watson (single), Scotland, 1 person
Robert Hogg (single), Scotland, 1 person
John McComie wife and child, Scotland, 3 people
Janet McComie (single), Scotland, 1 person
Georgina McDougall (single), Scotland, 1 person
Jonathan Heaton (single), Scotland, 1 person
Barry Wride and wife, S. Wales, 2 people
David John wife and girl, S. Wales, 3 people
Ann Wride (single), S. Wales, 1 person
William Howels wife and 5 children, S. Wales, 7 people
John Smith (single), S. Wales, 1 person
John Davies wife and 2 children, S. Wales, 4 people
Margaret Arthyr (single), S. Wales, 1 person
Ann Arthyr (single), S. Wales, 1 person
William Morgan and wife, S. Wales, 2 people
John Morgan (single), S. Wales, 1 person
John Llewellyn and wife, S. Wales, 2 people
William Coslett and wife, S. Wales, 2 people
Benjamin P. Evans wife and 2 children, S. Wales, 4 people
Mary Bowen (single), S. Wales, 1 person
William Hughes (single), S. Wales, 1 person
Owen Owens (single), S. Wales, 1 person
Mary Perry (single), S. Wales, 1 person
David Booth (single), S. Wales, 1 person
John Partington and wife, S. Wales, 2 people
Evan Jenkins wife and 9 children, S. Wales, 11 people
John M. Lewis and girl, S. Wales, 2 people
Number of Souls 264
Number of Waggons 47
Number of Cart 1
Number of Yoked cattle 214
Number of Loose cattle 89
Number of Horses and mules 15
Number of Tents 11
Lost by Death:
Anne Jane John aged eight months five days
Increase by Births:
Sister Gillespie—a girl
Sister Penros—a girl
Lost by Death:
Four oxen
Five cows
One Heifer
Two calves
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